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الوكالة تأسست في وقت سابق من ذلك.فقد تم إنشاء وكالة “Rent-A-Mum” في الأصل في أوائل الستينيات من قبل أصحاب المغتربين لمتجر ملابس الأمومة الواقع على طريق هوليوود التاريخي في المستويات المتوسطة.

 غالبًا ما كان زبائنهم يسألون عن وجود محترفين يتحدثون الإنجليزية مؤهلين للعناية بأطفالهم الجدد.

لذلك أدرك أصحاب المحل حاجة إلى جليسات ومربيات مؤهلات يتحدثون الإنجليزية

كيف يمكننا مساعدتك

Hong Kong Nanny


Hong Kong Governess

معلمة الأطفال

Hong Kong Rota Nanny

المربية بنظام العمل الدوار

Hong Kong Maternity Nurse

ممرضة ما بعد الولادة

Hong Kong Sleep Training

مدربي النوم

Hong Kong Babysitting

جليسة الأطفال

Hong Kong Supervisor

خدمات المعينة من قبل المحكمة

Hong Kong Visa Services

خدمات التأشيرة


I've used Rent-a-Mum on multiple occasions as I needed to find somebody to take care of my 2 girls (ages 2 and 5) while I was working and when their usual nanny was away. I have been more than satisfied by the service provided! Shirley replied very quickly to my request by e-mail and always answered all my concerns and identified the best profile to suit my daugthers' ages. Shirley then sent me the CV of the suggested candidate and also gave me a bit of her background, which was really reassuring. 

I knew that I could trust the caregiver as soon as she arrived and that she would be able to handle the situation if my girls were upset in my absence, which was really important for me as I needed to have peach of mind while I was working. The caregivers that arrived were great! They took very good care of my girls, and I was so happy they didn't even cry when I left! I highly recommend Rent-a-Mum!

Mrs. Daurel 

We have been using the babysitting service provided by Shirley and her team at Rent-a-Mum since we arrived in Hong Kong from UK in the summer of 2016. At that point, my two sons were aged 11yrs and 9yrs. Being unsure whether or not we wished to employ a full-time helper, we still needed someone to be with the boys when we were out. Shirley has made sure we have consistently had the same sitters. Each of the three sitters we have had over the period to date has been delightful, engaging, reliable, punctual, interested in our boys and English speaking. 

The boys have been very comfortable being left with all of them and enjoyed their company. The service that Rent-a-Mum has provided for us has been very professional and efficient and also invaluable in making our transition from UK to Hong Kong so much easier and indeed our ongoing lives here. I couldn't recommend Shirley and her team highly enough.

Mrs. Holden


Thank you, for your support and excellent service! We know we can always rely on you.

Regards, Cathy Z.

Dear Shirley

I would really like to thank you for your help, at such a critical time for our family. Both nannies you sent us were excellent and I would strongly recommend your service to our friends and colleagues. 

Kind Regards,

J. Perry

We have been working with Rent-a-Mum for about a year and have had a great experience with the company. We initially registered with them because we needed the flexibility of a part time job to start our business, and working with Shirley & her team has done just that and more.


They have done an amazing job at matching us with the right families making sure both her clients and nannies are happy. We are thrilled with our experience here and highly recommend Rent-a-Mum.

Claire and Valia G

A big thank you to Rent-a-Mum! I would like to say thanks for all your help over the past 6 months. Working with you is one of my fondest memories of Hong Kong.

Thanks again!

xx Nic

كيف نعمل 

We provide a free and confidential consultation to identify your family’s specific needs.

نقدم استشارة مجانية وسرية لتحديد الاحتياجات الخاصة لعائلتك.

Rent a Mum
Rent a Mum
Rent a Mum
Rent a Mum

وكالات البحث

نقترح دائمًا عليك أن تبحث عن خلفية أي وكالة تفكر في العمل معها. عليك التأكد من أنك ووكيلك على نفس الفكر في ما تبحث عنه، ومن المهم أن يكون لديهم سجل حافل بالنجاح وسمعة جيدة.

يرجى الاتصال بنا عبر الهاتف أو البريد الإلكتروني للبدء في الاجراءات .
سنقدم استشارة مجانية وسرية لتحديد الاحتياجات الخاصة لعائلتك.

استلم السيرة الذاتية

سنرسل لك سير ذاتية لمحترفي الرعاية بالأطفال الذين قمنا بتقييمهم  شخصياً و الذين تتوافق خبرتهم مع نوع الرعاية التي تحتاجها .

اللتقي المرشحين

بالنسبة للوظائف طويلة الأمد، نقترح اجتماعاً غير رسميا مع كل مرشح لاتخاذ القرار بشأن من يناسب أفضل ديناميات عائلتك قبل القيام بلقاء ثاني في منزل العائلة مع حضور بقية أفراد العائلة.

بدء العمل

سنساعد في جميع العقود اللازمة و/أو الأوراق اللازمة للتأشيرات لبدء المهمة عندما يكون مناسبا .

تقديم الملاحظات

تود Rent-a-Mum أن تبقى على اتصال معك لاستلام الملاحظات وللمساعدة في أي احتياجات أخرى قد تكون لديك في مجال رعاية الأطفال.

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